Board of Director Titles and Job Descriptions

AMEL’s board of directors will collectively provide organizational structure, business expertise, and valuable insight into strategy, finance, operations and on marketing matters. They strive to align the interests of AMEL beneficiaries, donors, employees, and the society and are expected to always act in the best interest of the company.

Board Members Expectations


– This board is positioned to be a proactive that speaks as one voice. The board will make both operational and strategic decisions and act as managers of the organization to help it grow. This is a good model because the Program Director is currently the only employee and most of the board currently were founding owners of AMEL. This approach will help the board, CEO, and program director to remain on the same page and speak with a single voice to donors, volunteers, and clients. This model is proactive in taking advantage of emerging opportunities and is especially valuable for entrepreneurial businesses.

Operationally expectations include

Attend at least 75% of weekly update calls with program director to make operational decisions and unblock any hurdles in growing the program

Attend at least 75% monthly calls to brainstorm strategic direction and programming Attend at least 75% quarterly meeting in person

Functional Role Expectations

President and CEO

  • Leads the board and usually works most closely with the program director or leader of the organization; may also be referred to as the board chair


  • Prepares and maintains important records, such as meeting minutes and committee reports


  • Monitors finances and may work with other board members to develop financial plans

Vice President- Marketing

  • Responsible for specific assignments from the board president and will assume the role of president when the president isn’t available

Vice President- Operations

  • Responsible for specific assignments from the board president and will assume the role of president when the president isn’t available

Vice President- Community Outreach:

  • Responsible for specific assignments from the board president and will assume the role of president when the president isn’t available

Committee Members

These members are volunteers responsible for specific projects to enable the program. They are not required, but highly encouraged to attend the quarterly meetings.

  • everyone to read bylaws. what’s missing that needs to be covered here?
  • meeting notes- centralized place
  • attendance of each board member
  • any votes taken on decisions (how many voted needed)
  • Chairman: agenda
  • Advisory board role description and responsibilities
  • Add: functional role vs. board member (how do they differ, expectations, etc.)

Amel Board Duties (applies to all members)

Duty of Care — Each Amel board member has a legal responsibility to participate actively in making decisions on behalf of the organization and to exercise their best judgment while doing so.

Duty of Loyalty — Each Amel board member must put the interests of the organization before their personal and professional interests when acting on behalf of the organization in a decision-making capacity. The organization’s needs come first.

Duty of Obedience — Each Amel board member bears the legal responsibility of ensuring that the organization complies with the applicable federal, state, and local laws and adheres to its mission.

Amel Board Responsibilities (applies to all members)

Determine mission and purpose — It is the board’s responsibility to create and review a statement of mission and purpose that articulates the organization’s goals, means, and primary constituents served.
Select the chief executive — The board must reach a consensus on the chief executive’s responsibilities and undertake a careful search to find the most qualified individual for the position.
Support and evaluate the chief executive — The board should ensure that the chief executive has the moral and professional support they need to further the goals of the organization.
Ensure effective planning — The board must actively participate in an overall planning process and assist in implementing and monitoring the plan’s goals.
Monitor and strengthen programs and services — It is the board’s responsibility to determine which programs are consistent with the organization’s mission and monitor their effectiveness.
Ensure adequate financial resources — It is the board’s responsibility to secure adequate resources for the organization to fulfill its mission.
Protect assets and provide proper financial oversight — The board must assist in developing the annual budget and ensuring that proper financial controls are in place.
Build a competent board — It is the board’s responsibility to articulate prerequisites for candidates, orient new members, and periodically and comprehensively evaluate their own performance.
Ensure legal and ethical integrity — The board is ultimately responsible for adherence to legal standards and ethical norms.
Enhance the organization’s public standing — The board should clearly articulate the organization’s mission, accomplishments, and goals to the public and garner support from the community through advocacy.

Board Individual Roles & Responsibilities

Board Chair
- Leader of Amel board of directors
- Chair shall facilitate board meetings, lead goal and objective-setting for the board
- Chair shall head up the search for new board members
- Oversee board and executive committee meetings.
- Work in partnership with the chief executive to make sure board resolutions are carried out.
- Call special meetings if necessary.
- Appoint all committee chairs and, with the chief executive, recommend who will serve on committees.
- Assist chief executive in preparing board meeting agendas.
- Assist chief executive in conducting new board member orientation.
- Oversee searches for a new chief executive.
- Coordinate chief executive’s annual performance evaluation.
- Work with the governance committee to recruit new board members.
- Act as an alternate spokesperson for the organization.
- Periodically consult with board members on their roles and help them assess their performance.
Board Vice Chair
- Leads Amel’s board alongside the board chair
- Vice Chair shall carry out special projects as requested by the Board Chair
- Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the board chair in the chair’s absence
- Attend all board meetings.
- Serve on the executive committee if one exists.
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair.
- Understand the responsibilities of the board chair and be able to perform these duties in the chair’s absence.
- Participate as a vital part of the board leadership.
Board Treasurer
- Board Treasurer shall oversee financial management
- Board Treasurer should understand financial accounting for nonprofits
- Attend all board meetings.
- Understand financial accounting for nonprofit organizations.
- Serve as the chair of the finance committee.
- Manage, with the finance committee, the board’s review of and action related to the board’s financial responsibilities.
- Work with the chief executive and the chief financial officer to ensure that appropriate financial reports are made available to the board on a timely basis.
- Present the annual budget to the board for approval.
- Review the annual audit and answer board members’ questions about the audit (if there is no audit committee)
Board Secretary
- Administrative lead of the board
- The secretary shall ensure the safety and accuracy of board records, and take meeting minutes
- He/she will assume the responsibility of the chair in the absence of the chair and vice chair
- Attend all board meetings.
- Serve on the executive committee if one exists.
- Ensure the safety and accuracy of all board records.
- Take board meeting minutes or review minutes if that task is assigned to a staff member.
- Assume responsibilities of the chair in the absence of the board chair, chair-elect, and vice chair.
- Provide notice of meetings of the board and/or of a committee when such notice is required.